Travel Insurance: Overseas Medical Treatment & Hospitalisation

For policies purchased after 10 August 2016, 3:00am UTC, your World Nomads policy is provided through Zurich Insurance Group

Esta cobertura garante o atendimento 24h por dia, 7 dias por semana, ou reembolso das despesas médicas, hospitalares e/ou odontológicas, conforme os detalhes abaixo.

Seu Seguro Viagem pode cobrir suas despesas médicas e odontológicas de emergência no exterior se você tiver uma doença aguda séria ou sofrer um acidente durante sua viagem.

Condições Médicas pré-existentes & Estabilização de Emergência

Atendimento e/ou reembolso de despesas em episódios de crise ocasionados por doença pré-existente ou crônica, em caso de emergência ou urgência até a estabilização do quadro clínico do segurado que lhe permita seguir viagem ou retornar ao local de sua residência.

Os limites variam, dependendo do plano que você adquirir – Standard ou Explorer.

O que está coberto:

  • Internação
  • Tratamento ambulatorial (sem internação)
  • Medicamentos prescritos
  • Tratamento Dentário de emergência devido a dor aguda, infecção ou trauma

O benefício médico tem um prazo de carência de 72 horas, caso o Seguro viagem seja adquirido quando já estiver viajando.

Travel Insurance: Overseas Medical Treatment & Hospitalization

For policies purchased before 10 August 2016, 3:00am UTC your World Nomads policy is provided through Bupa Global

Your travel insurance policy can cover your overseas emergency medical expenses if you suffer an acute serious illness or acute serious injury while on your travels and you need urgent medical treatment.

The limits vary depending on the plan you buy, Standard or Explorer.

What Overseas Medical Expenses are Covered by World Nomads?

The following expenses are covered when treatment is medically necessary (as certified by an authorised medical practitioner) and can’t wait until your return home:

  • hospitalisation
  • out-patient treatment (no hospital admission)
  • prescribed medicines
  • treatment by physiotherapists, chiropractors, acupuncturists and osteopaths (Explorer plan only).

There’s also cover for emergency medical transport, evacuation and repatriation home if necessary depending on how serious your condition is.

How the World Nomads Travel Insurance Policy Works 

If something happens, go to the closest medical facility for the emergency medical treatment you need. Call our emergency assistance team immediately for advice on what to do as well as directions to the nearest or most suitable medical facility if you:

  • are sick or injured
  • are in an accident
  • need hospitalization
  • need emergency repatriation
  • require accompaniment in hospital
Who pays for your medical treatment?

If you are admitted to hospital, you MUST contact the emergency assistance team immediately. For eligible medical conditions covered by the insurance, your medical bills will be paid directly to the medical facility.

For treatment received as an out-patient (ie no hospital admission), you should pay the medical bills yourself then make a claim online later. Be sure to keep all your receipts and doctors reports to support your claim.

Also be aware that any medical claim submitted will have the policy excess applied. A 70EURO/$100USD excess/co-pay will be deducted per person, per claimable event (the currency you purchase your policy in is the currency you will pay for your excess, either EURO or USD)

What’s not covered:

The policy isn’t designed to cover everything. Take the time to read the terms and conditions in the Product Guide for full details, limits to cover and exclusions, particularly Section 7 Overseas Medical and Dental Expenses. That way there are no surprises if you need to use it.

Here are the main things that aren’t covered:

  • Any expenses relating to a pre-existing medical condition as explained in the policy wording
  • General check-ups, vaccinations and other preventative treatment
  • Any on-going medical expenses once you return to your home country.
  • Anything else that’s listed in the General Exclusions and specific exclusions in the policy wording.